Wednesday, August 31, 2011

In the nick of time

Back in 2008, when I first started blogging, I made a deal with myself that I would publish at least one post a month. The primarily goal was to post pictures and let it speak for itself.  Since 2008, I have missed one month.  This month would have been another victim. But not quite.

I'll admit that in the last few months I have been scrambling to find pictures to post. Its partially my fault. OK, its entirely my fault. I simply have not made the time to take pictures. No excuses. Period. I usually have the other problem -- plethora of pictures to pick from but lately, that has not been the case. This will have to change. It will.

One would think that with a new purchase of a new canon 580 ex ii flash, I would have been out and about shooting away. Nope. I guess I was never one of those who would eagerly unwrap new toys and play with them immediately. Well, its time to change that too. Night photography, here I come.

I digress.

Since I have no pictures to share, I thought, I would share pictures that a friend took. I think she is an amazing photographer. Her eyes gravitates to details that most would miss. She captures the essence. I am honored to know such an artist. Thanks Chanty baby.

All credits go to Miss Chantal Pasag. Thank you my dear friend.  Please visit her website for more: Pasagraphy
