P.R.I.D.E? A pride of Lions; Pride and Prejudice; To be proud of one's accomplishment, etc. One word with several meanings. Can it be any more confusing?
I sit here, wracking my brain, trying to write something meaningful about this one word. Alas! My valiant efforts seem futile. Its murky. There is no easy way to explain this correctly without offending someone. But why should it? Everyone is entitled to their opinion. Right? This is the land of opportunities. Why cant we all have the same rights?
Its hard to believe that a few years ago, homosexuality was shunned and had such a bad taboo. Heck, even today, we see the same taboos. I'd like to believe that we have come a long way. To be able to walk in public with utmost pride - Its a step forward. But there are still some challenges. Many more battles to be fought. I just hope that one day, everyone can have the same choices and rights.
Here are some pictures that were taken in San Diego's PRIDE week parade in Hillcrest. Enjoy!