Jiminy cricket! Look at these pictures I took today in my balcony. I had just walked out to the balcony to grab some things and I noticed this little critter clinged to the Jade cactus plant. I sprinted back into the house, grabbed the Canon Digital Rebel, quickly swapped to the macro lens, and ran back out to the balcony to see if the little visitor had disappeared on me. Jiminy cricket! He was still there. Apparently, he was basking in the shade, so I got down on my back and got very close to the bugger and started shooting away. I was amazing at how close I was able to get to him without him flying away. Usually, these little creature can sense the slightest of motion and quickly elude away from the predators. Not Jiminy. He must have been an exhibitionist. He simply clung on as I clicked away. Some amazing close-up shots eh? Thank you Mr. Jiminy cricket!